Monday, November 15, 2010

Dirty Thirty

I had a pretty awesome birthday bash thanks to my amazing husband and some fabulous family and friends!!!  This is what 30 looks like…too bad I didn’t get a photo of the THREE gray hairs I found while getting ready for the party, I might have to go back blonde!


SURPRISE!!!  MQ chartered a not too shabby party bus that arrived at one of my favorite piano bars in Houston.  I think it is pretty safe to say a great time was had by all!


My greatest gal pals, thank you ladies for everything.


I absolutely LOVED the festive cups, fun napkins (I hope we don’t see ALL the photos of the night on FB) and notice my adorable accessories.  Thanks girls!


My sister in law brought these tasty cupcakes that she topped with “30”  candles and small neon colored glow sticks, she is just so clever!!

Thirty years old..WOW..I have been so amazingly blessed! 

CHEERS to another THIRTY years!


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